Kebap Haus zum Lachenden Timmey!

Dienstag, August 15, 2006

Freiheit befreien

An alle Lebewesen! An alle Lebewesen!

Wie könnt ihr
eure Freiheit befreien
für Freiheit?

Ich erhielt letztens eine Raumzeitnachricht über ein neues Projekt samt ner Webseite, 3minütigem Video sowie

den Zehn besten Wegen, die Freiheit zu befreien.

So hat Alan es gesagt:
The Campaign will consist of a three minute intro video, a web site, and on the site - our top ten list - of how to liberate your freedom, along with a "submissions box" to "add your own way to liberate freedom." We are in the process of creating/developing our TOP 10 WAYS TO LIBERATE YOUR FREEDOM. This is bothexciting and challenging. We want the very best ten we can come up with it. Smart. Clear. Simple. Well thought out. They inspire ACTION, and feeling too. You want to LIVE by them, and share them with others. As such, you feel like you are liberating your freedom, daily. Thus, participating in EVERYDAY REVOLUTION - the soul of the liberate freedom campaign.
Er sagte auch...
All the usually suspects are in this issue of how to liberate freedom, such as:

tell me how to know propaganda from truth

who can I trust in life and why should I

there's no exit from this madness, why should I have hope?

I live a simple life ...what can I do everyday for my children to help them liberate freedom...safeguard their safe future

human's are flawed at their core...war is what we do...human's are an exterminator species, so how to liberate me from that freedom of thought-which is fact...shoot

a thousand years from now what will freedom look like....
liberate it for me, please

go for it!

So, bitte erzählt mir und dem Internet eure Top 5 Gedanken, Gefühle und Ideen, wie wir unsere Freiheit befreien können. Inspiriert mich. Befreit etwas von eurer Kreativität und wir könnten alle einen Unterschied machen.

Wie übe ich KONFLIKTE ohne GEWALT?

Video Einleitung:
Bald weitere Infos:

Danke für eure Zeit und Energie! :)